Saturday, August 31, 2019
Public Opinion Policy Reproductive Health Health And Social Care Essay
Public sentiment is the sum of single temperaments and beliefs with respects to of import issues. Public sentiment holds great importance in democracies because a democracy, by its very definition, connotes a signifier of authorities that is antiphonal to the people. Democracy is most frequently defined as a set of processs and establishments intended to do the holders of political power straight responsible to the electorates. The quality of democratic authorities is measured by the reactivity of public policymakers to the penchants of the mass populace. For that ground, public sentiment will ever play an of import function in policy-making procedure in the Philippines, a democratic state. Positions and sentiments of the general populace should be taken into consideration in formulating, passing and implementing a policy. Hence, stakeholders and involvements groups ‘ functions are really critical in impacting policy results since stakeholders and involvement groups are the age ncies through which public sentiment is brought in the Halls of the Congress. In position of this, the authorities is faced with the demand to equilibrate the conflicting positions of different stakeholders, involvement and force per unit area groups in the decision-making procedure. This is clearly exemplified in the controversial Reproductive Health measure. This paper surveies the different stakeholders involved in the Reproductive Health Bill and the grade in which they affect policy result based on the resources and resource mobilisation capacities they have. The first portion of this paper includes definition and the presentation of wellness and population state of affairs in the Philippines. The 2nd portion focuses with the commissariats, arguments and advocate of RH measure. The 3rd portion provides an analysis of the different stakeholders and resources and resource mobilisation capacity that they have. Last, the scrutiny of how these stakeholders and involvement groups can really impact policy result and the grade on which they affect it. The contention of RH measure led to many deductions. Generative wellness is now a proverb that enthralled the public attending. Therefore, there is a demand to specify the term based on a standard definition. â€Å" Generative wellness addresses the generative procedures, maps and system at all phases of life. Generative wellness implies that people are able to hold a responsible, hearty and safe sex life and that they have the capableness to reproduce and the freedom to make up one's mind if, when and how frequently to make so †( World Health Organization ) . Although this appears to be the lone definition of the term in any international papers, the definition implicitly implies that generative wellness includes the right of work forces and adult females to be informed of and to hold entree to safe, effectual, low-cost and acceptable methods of birthrate ordinance of their pick, and the right of entree to allow wellness attention services that will enable adult females to travel safely through gestation and childbearing and supply twosomes with the best opportunity of holding a healthy baby ( International Conference on Population and Development, 1994 ) . Of the eight Millennium Development Goals, accomplishing cosmopolitan entree to reproductive wellness by 2015 is one of the two marks of Goal 5, Bettering Maternal Health. Due to this, a comprehensive survey of the generative wellness in the Philippines is greatly needed and in bend, to develop and really implement a policy that will give Filipinos equal opportunities to the right to reproductive wellness and develop plans that will seek to turn to jobs related to generative wellness in the state. Over the past 30 old ages, developing states ‘ population have rise up about twice the rate of those in the developed and advanced states. As an consequence, a figure of people have caught up with high baby mortality, low life anticipation, disease, malnutrition and illiteracy. Rapid population growing causes troubles in pull offing economic and societal alterations, including the reconciliation of the fruits of economic development attempts ( Leverage International, 2011 ) . Governments of the Third World states and every bit good as of those developed states recognized that the measuring of economic development is non based merely on economic indexs such as income distribution but besides by the quality of life of its people ( Leverage International, 2011 ) . Philippines, as a underdeveloped state, experiences rapid population growing. Harmonizing to the 2007 Census by the National Statistics Office ( NSO ) , the Filipino population was 88.57 million and the estimated population as of 2010 is 94.3 million and this made the state as the 12th most thickly settled state in the universe. This high population consequences to high infant mortality rate which is 19.94 % in 2010. In add-on to this, the life-time hazard of maternal decease in the Philippines is 1 in every 140, harmonizing to United Nations International Children Emergency Fund ‘s State of the World ‘s Children 2009 study. Each twenty-four hours, approximately 11 Filipino female parents – or 4,500 each twelvemonth – dice because of hypertensive upsets, terrible bleeding or other labor- or abortion-related jobs. The state is besides portion of a group of 68 states where 97 % of world-wide maternal, neonatal and child wellness deceases occur. Furthermore, the county is witnessing the fastest spread of the human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) in its history. Five new HIV instances are recorded mundane harmonizing to the National Epidemiology Center of the Department of Health. High infant mortality rate, high maternal mortality rate and a figure of HIV instances are non the lone jobs that the Philippines is sing in relation to reproductive wellness. Because of the deficiency of a concrete generative wellness and household planning policy and plan in the state, unwanted gestation incidences become high. Due to this, Filipino adult females are forced to undergo induced abortion as one of the methods that they use to run into their generative ends. Although abortion is illegal in the Philippines, and despite the possible harmful effects of an insecure abortion for adult females ‘s wellness and life, many adult females resort to abortion to run into their family-size ends or to infinite births ( The Guttmacher Institute, 2003 ) . The Incidence of Induced Abortion in the Philippines: Current Degree and Recent TrendsA ( 2005 ) , a survey conducted by Fatima Juarez, Josefina Cabigon, Susheela Singh, and Rubina Hussain for the Guttmacher Institute revealed the followers: Six in 10 Filipino adult females say they have experienced an unintended gestation at some point in their lives. About 1.43 million gestations each twelvemonth  about half of all gestations in the Philippines  are unintended. Some 54 % of adult females who have ended an unintended gestation by abortion were non utilizing any household planning method when they conceived. Of those who were practising contraceptive method, three-quarterss were utilizing a traditional method. The mean Filipino adult female wants 2.5 kids. In order to accomplish that end, she must pass more than 19 old ages utilizing effectual prophylactic methods. However, about half of all married adult females of generative age have an unmet demand for effectual contraceptive method  that is, they are sexually active, are able to hold kids, do non desire a kid shortly or of all time, but are non utilizing any signifier of contraceptive method or are utilizing traditional methods, which have high failure rates. Aside from induced abortion that can take to deceases, other job due to the deficiency of generative wellness policy is the hazard of geting cervical malignant neoplastic disease. The Human Papillomavirus ( HPV ) is a sexually-transmitted, wart-forming virus that has been implicated in doing malignant neoplastic disease of the neck. This is the most common malignant neoplastic disease in adult females secondary to breast malignant neoplastic disease ( Department of Health, 2008 ) . Due to these findings and other statistics such as high baby and mortality rates, these imply that there is an huge demand for a policy to guarantee the right to reproductive wellness in the Philippines. Although generative wellness has long been considered a basic cosmopolitan human right, this right remains elusive and illusory for 1000000s of Filipinos, particularly the hapless. The first comprehensive version of generative wellness measure, House Bill 8110 or â€Å" The Integrated Population and Development Act of 1999 †was filed in the 11th Congress. Twelve old ages after, the state still does non hold a generative wellness policy and the issue of the current generative wellness measures remains a het and controversial issue as the first RH measure. Today, the battle of RH advocators still continues for the transition of a comprehensive generative wellness measure. House Bill 4244 or â€Å" The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population and Development Act of 2011 †is the most recent version of a generative wellness measure that was filed in the fifteenth Congress. H.B. 4244 is popularly known as the amalgamate RH measure in permutation to the other generative wellness measures that are pending in the Congress. The other generative wellness measures are as follows: House Bill 96 ( Rep. Edcel Lagman ) â€Å" An Act Providing for a National Policy on Reproductive Health, Responsible Parenthood and Population Development and for Other Purposes †House Bill 101 ( Rep. Janette Garin ) â€Å" An Act Providing for a National Policy on Reproductive Health and Population Development and for Other Purposes †House Bill 513 ( Reps. Kaka Bag-ao and Warden Bello of Akbayan Partylist ) â€Å" An Act Providing for a National Policy on Reproductive Health and Population and Development and for Other Purposes †House Bill 1160 ( Rep. Rodolfo Biazon ) â€Å" An Act Providing for a National Policy on Reproductive Health and for Other Purposes †House Bill 1520 ( Rep. Judy Syjuco ) â€Å" An Act to Protect the Right of the People to Information on Reproductive Health Care †House Bill 3368 ( Rep. Luzviminda Ilagan and Emmi de Jesus of Gabriela Women ‘s Party ) â€Å" An Act Providing for a National Policy on Reproductive Health for Women and Development and for Other Purposes †H.B 4244 ‘s aims are as follows: To continue and advance regard for life, informed pick, birth spacing and responsible parentage in conformance with internationally recognized human rights criterions. To vouch cosmopolitan entree to medically-safe, legal and choice generative wellness attention services and relevant information even as it prioritizes the demands of adult females and kids. To recognize these ends, the amalgamate RH Bill has the undermentioned cardinal commissariats: Mandates the Department of Health ( DOH ) and Local Health Units in metropoliss and municipalities shall function as the lead bureaus for the execution of this act. Mandates the Population Commission, to be an affiliated bureau of the Department of Health, shall function as a organizing organic structure in the execution of this Act. Provides for the creative activity of an enabling environment for adult females and twosomes to do an informed pick sing the household planning method that is best suited to their demands and personal strong beliefs. The LGUs and the DOH shall guarantee that a Minimum Initial Service Package ( MISP ) for generative wellness, including maternal and neonatal wellness attention kits and services will be given proper attending in crisis state of affairss such as catastrophes and human-centered crises. Provides for a maternal decease reappraisal in LGUs, national and local authorities infirmaries and other public wellness units to diminish the incidence of maternal deceases. Merchandises and supplies for modern household planning methods shall be portion of the National Drug Formulary and the same shall be included in the regular purchase of indispensable medical specialties and supplies of all national and local infirmaries and other authorities wellness units. Ensures the handiness of hospital-based household be aftering methods such as tubal ligation, vasectomy and intrauterine device interpolation in all national and local authorities infirmaries, except in forte infirmaries. Provides for a Mobile Health Care Service in every Congressional District to present wellness attention goods and services. Provides Mandatory Age-appropriate Reproductive Health Education get downing from Grade 5 to Fourth Year High School to develop the young person into responsible grownups. The Department of Labor and Employment ( DOLE ) shall guarantee that employees respect the generative wellness rights of workers. Mandates private and nongovernment generative wellness attention service suppliers to supply at least 48 ( 48 ) hours yearly of generative wellness services free of charge to indigent and low income patients, particularly to pregnant striplings. Mandates metropoliss and municipalities to supply sexual and generative wellness plans for individuals with disablements ( PWDs ) . Mandates the inclusion of the subjects on responsible parentage, household planning, suckling and infant nutrition as indispensable portion of the information given by local Family Planning office to all appliers for matrimony licence. Mandates no less than 10 % addition in the honoraria of community-based voluntary workers, such as the barangay wellness workers, upon successful completion of preparation on the bringing of generative wellness attention services. Creation of Congressional Oversight Committee ( COC ) which shall be composed of five ( 5 ) members each from the Senate and from the House of Representatives which shall supervise and guarantee the effectual execution of this Act, find the built-in failing and loopholes in the jurisprudence, recommend the necessary remedial statute law or administrative steps and execute such other responsibilities and maps as may be necessary to achieve the aims of this Act. Penalizes the lawbreaker of this Act from one month to six months imprisonment or a all right ranging from 10 thousand to fifty thousand pesos or both such mulct and imprisonment at the discretion of the Court. H.B 4244 screens all other six pending RH measures in the Congress but despite the clear intent of the measure, the passage of RH measure is long delinquent. On the other manus, RH measure advocates see the transition of the amalgamate RH measure in the 15th Congress since it was already approved by the House Committee on Population and Family Relations last February 1 and it was besides approved by the Committee on Appropriations with a ballot of 20-3. Last March 8 which is by the way the International Women ‘s Day, RH measure reached the plenary. Biliran Representative Rogelio Espina, president of the Committee on Population and Family Relations, delivered his sponsorship address on Committee Report 664. Three of the six patrons of the measure besides delivered addresss pressing for its transition – Minority Leader and Albay Representative Edcel Lagman, Gabriela partylist Representative Luz Ilagan and Akbayan partylist Representative Arlene â€Å" Kaka †Bag-ao. Meanwhile, President Benigno Aquino III ordered Health Secreaty Enrique Ona to outline the Responsible Parenthood Bill that would possibly function as a â€Å" in-between land †between RH advocators and the Church. Furthermore, the President did besides non include RH measure as portion of his list of policy precedences after the Church issued a pastoral missive entitled Choosing Life, Rejecting RH Bill. Though Rep. Lagman believes that the Malacanang-sponsored version of the RH measure would non be able take the topographic point of a more comprehensive RH measure since it is limited to the issue of household planning and responsible parentage. Furthermore, Health Secretary Ona is a known advocator of generative wellness and household planning. His public dictums have confirmed that he, like his predecessor Sec. Espie Cabral, is unwavering in his belief that RH is a basic human right. Because of this, Cong. Lagman believes that the crafting of the Responsible Parenthood meas ure would and should non detain the transition of the amalgamate RH measure. Cong. Edcel Lagman of the First District of Albay is the chief writer of the amalgamate RH measure. Harmonizing to him, the incidences of baby and maternal mortality in his ain territory are within the scope of the national norm. As a solution, they have set up lying-in clinics and delivering centres in the highland and island barangays of the first territory of Albay so as to guarantee that female parents in far flung barangays can be given exigency and basic obstetric attention. However, the job of maternal and infant mortality and morbidity goes beyond the First District of Albay. The preventable deceases of female parents and kids happen on a national graduated table so the demand to explicate a national policy on generative wellness is imperative. Although he is a Catholic he believes that like many other Catholics in the state, they can be good Catholics and still back up a step like RH measure that puts a premium on quality of life and the protection and fulfillment of the basic human rights to reproductive wellness and sustainable human development. He besides noted that the word â€Å" Catholic †when used as an adjectival means across-the-board, advanced and broad. The opposite word of Catholic is conservative, shockable and intolerant. That is why it is really dry that the Catholic Church peculiarly the Catholic Bishops ‘ Conference of the Philippines ( CBCP ) strongly opposes RH measure. Rep. Lagman is besides the newly-elect chair of one of the governing party in the state, the Lakas Kampi Catholic Muslim Democrats ( CMD ) . However, because of the nature of the party system in the Philippines, this place in his party would non vouch the transition of RH measure. Harmonizing to him, his co-workers are free to back up or oppose an issue as they see fit. Members of his party are non required to vote for or back up RH measure. It is interesting to observe that the former President and the incumbent representative of the 2nd territory of Pampanga, Rep. Gloria Arroyo, who is a member of the Lakas Kampi CMD is known to be a critic of RH measure. In line with this, the conflicting positions on RH measure make non merely happen inside Congress. Central to the issue of RH measure is the political kineticss of the legion histrions involved in impacting the transition of the said measure. The different stakeholders and involvement groups play of import functions in the deliberation of the policy. This put the challenge to the legislators to equilibrate and to be able to accommodate the conflicting positions of these stakeholders and involvement groups. But how did citizens get down to take part in the decision-making procedure? Due to influx of information, there came a higher degree of consciousness among citizens. Peoples ‘s desire to take part in decision-making procedure amplified. People demand more of representation and engagement in the authorities. In less complex times, elected representation was a sufficient agency for most citizens to take part in authorities. Recently, for a figure of grounds, including the diverseness of citizens ‘ cultural heritage, needs, values, and involvements, that has been altering and of class, the alterations brought approximately by modernisation, there is now a strong desire for citizens to be involved loosely in administration and straight in policy determinations. Governments, particularly in developing states, are really vulnerable and they are being assessed based on their economic and political public presentation. And one of the bases of a authorities ‘s political public presentation is its capacity to supply locales for people ‘s engagement and engagement. Hence, positions and sentiments of the general populace should be taken into consideration in formulating, passing and implementing a policy. For this ground, one of the biggest challenges which authorities faces is the demand to equilibrate the conflicting positions of different involvement groups in a peculiar policy. This job is really much observed in the issue of coming up with a generative wellness policy in the Philippines. Conflicting positions and sentiments from legion histrions and stakeholders in the generative wellness measure have ever marred the transition of the said measure. Certain sectors and sections of the population will decidedly be affected upon the execution of the said policy and they besides have different positions sing the transition of RH measure. However, the stakeholders who have the resources to act upon or really find the success or failure of the generative wellness measure are the Roman Catholic Church, the adult females sector and pharmaceutical companies in the state. The tabular array below shows an analysis of the four primary stakeholders in the RH measure. Stake- holder Interest in the Undertaking ( Stake- holder ‘s Potential Impact on the Undertaking ) What does the undertaking expect the stakeholder to supply? Perceived Attitudes Stakeholder Strategy/Resources Government Political public presentation High – Provides financess to guarantee equal entree of people to preventives, generative wellness attention services, household planning information and the compulsory sex instruction – Populace Service – Rent-seeking functionaries Roman Catholic Church – Teachings and Principles of the Church ( Sacredness of Life ) – Credibility – Has a really high ethos – Conservative – Lobbying/putting force per unit area on the government/policymakers to turn down the transition of the RH measure – Consultation with the President ( national degree ) and with territory representatives through bishoprics ( local degree ) – Capacity to act upon public sentiment Womans Organizations/Groups Womans empowerment High – Cooperation with the authorities – Disempowered – Progressive – Corporate action/mobilization for the pressing transition of a generative wellness measure Pharmaceutical Companies Net incomes Low – Brand and supply modern preventives for the authorities Profit-oriented From the stakeholders listed supra, the Catholic Church and organized adult females groups are the primary histrions in the argument in following a generative wellness policy in the state because they are the most seeable in footings of their run for or against the said policy. The Catholic Church is the chief critic of the generative wellness measure because it argues that the policy is anti-life because it promotes the usage of modern contraceptive method steps. Besides, it argues that RH measure does non truly address poorness. In the research worker ‘s interview with Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz and Carmelo Cruz, Catholic Bishops ‘ Conference of the Philippines ‘ ( CBCP ) News Editor, they said that the Catholic Church ‘s judgement in the political public presentation of former President Ferdinand Marcos that significantly contribute for doing EDSA People Power I happened in 1986 is the same as their resistance to the six pending generative wellness measures in the Congress. Their resistance to the immoral government of Pres. Marcos is the same as their resistance to an immoral policy, the generative wellness measure. ( This was besides written in CBCP ‘s Pastoral Letter entitled Choosing Life, Rejecting RH measure issued last January 30, 2011. ) Furthermore, they believe that it is non the hapless Filipino people who will profit from the execution of the generative wellness measure but the foreign proprietors of multinational pharmaceutical companies who will provide modern preventives. They besides believe that if a generative wellness measure will be enacted into jurisprudence, it will paved the manner for the debut and transition of other policies such as policies on divorce, clemency violent death and same sex matrimony. The Catholic Church believes that the transition of a generative wellness measure will deteriorate the reliable homo values and every bit good as the Filipino cultural values in conformity to the instructions of the Church. Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz said that although generative wellness measure can decrease infant and maternal mortality, he argued that the ground behind baby and maternal mortality and morbidity is poverty and unaccessible to basic wellness attention services. Harmonizing to him, wellness attention services are unaccessible to hapless households because of bad administration and corruptness, services are non delivered to hapless communities because public functionary corrupt the money that is intended for communities ‘ public assistance. For these grounds, the solution to infant and maternal mortality in the state is non the generative wellness measure, the solution needs to concentrate to the root causes of the job which is bad administration and poorness. However, the Catholic hierarchy said that is non against the riddance of force against adult females, the intervention of chest malignant neoplastic disease, maternal and child wellness and nutrition and other elements of RH. It is merely against doing modern household planning methods available to adult females and twosomes and the instruction of gender and RH instruction to the young person. The Church believes that RH measure would go against the instructions of the Church specifically the 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae which is the footing of the Church instruction that preventives are â€Å" per se evil †. The Church has been firm in its base against RH measure. The Church is holding duologues to the current disposal to turn down RH measures that are pending in Congress. Furthermore, the Church through its archdioceses and bishoprics consults representatives from each territory for them to be convinced non to vote for RH measure. Besides, the CBCP issues statements to inform the public why RH measure should non be enacted into jurisprudence. And what is more of import is the impact of the Catholic Church in determining or act uponing public sentiment since bulk of Filipinos are Catholics. Some functionaries are threatened that their base sing the issue on RH measure might impact their political callings. Because of the strong resistance of the Catholic Church to follow a generative wellness policy in the state and the resources it has to impact the determinations of public functionaries, the transition of the measure becomes impossible despite the demand for a generative wellness policy in the state. Last January 30, CBCP issued a pastoral missive against RH measure. As an consequence, the President did non include RH measure from among the Legislative Executive Development Advisory Council ‘s policy measures that likely would unduly detain once more the transition of RH measure. If the Catholic Church strongly oppose RH measure, organized adult females ‘s groups tell the other side of the narrative. Women ‘s organisations such as Gabriela Women ‘s Party and Likhaan Center for Women ‘s Health Inc. stalwartly run for the transition of RH measure. These RH advocator groups believe that the rights of people to reproductive wellness â€Å" do non depend on a few powerful work forces make up one's minding the destiny of adult females †( Likhaan, 2011 ) . In the explanatory note of House Bill 3368 introduced by Gabriela Women ‘s Party, it states that â€Å" Filipino adult females do non hold to decease at childbearing merely because they are hapless, they do non hold to endure from undiagnosed cervical, chest, vulvar, ovarian or similar malignant neoplastic diseases of the generative system merely because they do non hold entree to adequately staffed and fit public wellness installations†¦ Women do non hold to endure from untreated uterine fibroid or such similar conditions merely because diagnostic processs are dearly-won, adult females should non decease at childbearing because their babies need them for optimum attention, love and fondness if kids are to turn up to recognize their full potency as productive and responsible members of our society. †Due to these grounds, entree to reproductive wellness plans, resources and services for marginalized adult females needs to be guaranteed by the authorities. A national generative wellness policy is seen to offer wellness attention services that will fundamentally profit adult females, particularly the marginalized. Advancing generative wellness rights in a comprehensive, available, accessible, acceptable, and democratic mode is a long delinquent authorization of the Filipino authorities to its female population given the societal and economic worlds in the state. Hence, the blessing of legislators to go through RH measure is indispensable ( Likhaan, 2011 ) . Harmonizing to Junice Demeterio-Melgar, the executive manager of Likhaan and Secretary-General of Reproductive Health Advocacy Network ( RHAN ) , household planning will salvage the lives of female parents because household planning changes the composing of child-bearing. This means that gestations in adult females who are considered at a higher hazard of deceasing from gestation and childbirth-related causes will be dramatically reduced. These are adult females who are excessively immature, excessively old, hold had excessively many kids or have had ceaseless gestations. Medical experts have stated that gestation in adult females below 18 or above 35 is considered high hazard. They have besides emphasized that adult females ‘s organic structures need anyplace from two to three old ages to to the full retrieve from the asperities of gestation and childbearing. Furthermore, the World Health Organization concludes that if adult females have information and entree to preventives and are taught to utilize them decently, â€Å" the autumn in maternal mortality is likely to be even greater than the autumn in the gestation rate. †With their battle for the transition of RH measure, adult females ‘s groups tied up with other RH advocators to coerce legislators to go through RH measure. Generative Health Advocacy Network ( RHAN ) , which has forty-three ( 43 ) national organisations with no less than 10,000 members in grassroots communities countrywide, continues to hold duologues with the President and with their recent duologue, RHAN reminded the President about his Social Contract, which included a committedness to responsible parentage based on informed pick and support to hapless households. RHAN, specifically Likhaan, is disappointed with the President ‘s determination to fall back to a Responsible Parenthood Bill alternatively of a more comprehensive RH measure. Harmonizing to them, farther duologues of the President to CBCP will pin down his disposal into hold and inactivity, or force it to drop the freedom of pick rule in the President ‘s promise of responsible parentage since the Church will ever differ to any RH measure because its resistance to RH is based on the nucleus rule of human life, it is clear that immoveable spiritual beliefs are the bedrock of the bishops ‘ resistance to RH as pointed out by the recent CBCP ‘s pastoral missive. Further duologues or audiences will ne'er alter the stance of the Catholic Church. Aside from duologues, advocators continue to keep fora and arguments on the issues of RH and human development from schools and universities to service nines and community-based organisations. In add-on, they hold mobilisations and mass meetings in forepart of Congress to coerce legislators to ordain the said measure. Both stakeholders prove to be important and effectual in their run for or against RH measure. However, the Church as an established and one of the most powerful establishments in the state which affect public sentiment has an advantage in impacting the result of the said policy. However, RH advocates do non merely have the high quality of Numberss but they besides have the high quality of statements. Although the Church has the capacity to influence or even determine public sentiment, possibly the instance on the argument on RH measure is isolated. Recent study consequences show that bulk of Filipino and Filipino Catholics support RH measure. Although the RH critics say that people are merely misinformed about the content of the step, advocators say that the capacity of Filipinos to understand an issue like RH, responsible parentage and population and development should non be underestimated. Peoples support the RH measure because they realize how of import it is to go a responsible parent. Filipinos besides believe that is non merely of import for them to be able to be after and infinite their kids, it is every bit of import that the State provide information on and entree to all signifiers of household planning methods. The undermentioned informations are consequences of SWS and Pulse Asia studies: Social Weather Station ( October 2008 ) 71 % of Filipinos are in favour of the RH measure ; 76 % of Filipinos agree that there should be a jurisprudence necessitating authorities to learn household planning to the young person ; and 68 % believe that there should be a jurisprudence necessitating authorities to administer legal preventives like rubbers, pills and IUDs Pulse Asia ( February 2010 ) 93 % of Filipinos consider it of import to hold the ability to be after their households ; 82 % of Filipinos believe authorities should learn twosomes about all methods of household planning ; Another 82 % of Filipinos say that it is the authorities ‘s responsibility to supply the people with cognition, services, and stuffs on all methods of household planning ; 75 % of Filipinos consider it of import that a campaigner for election includes modern household planning in the plan of action he will prosecute ; 64 % of Filipinos will vote for campaigners who publically promote modern methods of household planning with merely 6 % stating that they will non vote for such campaigners. The remainder were undecided ; and A considerable bulk of Filipinos ( 63 % ) want the RH measure to be passed into jurisprudence with merely 8 % showing resistance to the step. Even Catholics have spoken: They want the RH measure passed. 68 % of Catholics believe that authorities should administer free preventives to those who want them ( SWS 2008 ) . 76 % of Catholics agree that there should be a jurisprudence necessitating authorities to learn household planning to the young person ( SWS 2008 ) . 71 % of Catholics favor the transition of the RH measure versus merely 68 % of non-Catholics who endorse the measure ( SWS 2008 ) . Religion ranks 9th out of 10 grounds why adult females do non utilize contraceptive method ( DOH Family Planning Survey 2006 ) . RH critics say that people are misinformed about the existent content of the step. However, Rep. Lagman said that if people are misinformed, it is because of the calculated misinformation run being launched by the critics of the measure. The most vocal critics of the measure handily want the issue to be limited to the alleged immoralities of modern contraceptive method. However, although the bulk of the Filipinos are non in line with the CBCP ‘s place on RH measure, the power of Church to influence and determine policy result has been proven in its battle to oppose RH measure. The Church ‘s sentiment on this affair is really decisive since it was able to detain the transition of RH measure until the present clip. However, it is of import to underline that the Church ‘s instructions against contraceptive method is non infallible philosophy. Immediately after the release in 1968 of the encyclical Humanae Vitae, which was based on a minority study of the Papal Birth Control Commission and contrary to the bulk place permissive of preventive usage, Monsignor Fernando Lambrouschini, the so official spokesman for the Vatican, announced: â€Å" attentive reading of the encyclical Humanae Vitae does non propose the theological note of infallibilityaˆÂ ¦ It is non infallible. †Catholics are allowed to oppose Church philosophy which is deemed non-infallible. Therefore, Catholics are allowed to oppose the Church ‘s instructions against contraceptive method. Furthermore, RH measure is non merely about contraceptive method, RH has 11 elements, including, among others, maternal and child wellness and nutrition, intervention of chest and generative piece of land malignant neoplastic diseases, breastfeeding, gender instruction, riddance of force against adult females, intervention and bar of HIV-AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. RH even includes the intervention and bar of sterility and sexual disfunction. In other words, the measure is non merely about household planning. It will besides assist turn to the demands of twosomes who are holding trouble conceiving. Similarly, RH is besides a tool for economic development. The execution of the Reproductive Health Bill could assist in controling the declining effects of rapid population growing. The RH Bill ‘s concrete commissariats on household planning methods would likely assist in commanding the high birthrate and growing rate in the state. Harmonizing to Bulatao ( 1998 ) , member of the United Nations Population Fund, household planning is one of the best methods of turn toing jobs such as exponential growing rate, high birthrate rate and decelerate economic growing rate in the state. Based from surveies, the diminution of entire birthrate rate in the underdeveloped universe over the past decennaries is in conformity with the increasing figure of prophylactic users ( UN, 1991 ) . With this, we could assume that implementing comprehensive household planning methods would perchance modulate the population of the state. Developing states, like the Philippines, could largely profit from ho usehold planning merely like in the instances of China, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam who practiced comprehensive household be aftering methods during the past decennaries. The said states have shown important economic dynamism after successfully pull offing their population growing ( Del Rosario & A ; Toda, 2009 ) . Birth Rate of Taiwan Year Registered Birth Ratess Per 1000 Womans Change in Rate 1962 174 -1.5 1963 170 -2.6 1964 162 -4.9 1965 152 -6 1966 149 -2.1The tabular array shows the diminishing birth rate in Taiwan. This lessening on birth rate happened after the execution of household planning methods. Similarly, a similar narrative happened in Thailand from 1960 ‘s to 1985. Within the new model developed by the Unites States Agency for International Development ‘s Office of Population, developing states are divided into five phases, harmonizing to their degree of modern prophylactic prevalence. States in each of these phases, termed â€Å" emergent †, â€Å" launch †, â€Å" growing †, â€Å" consolidation †and â€Å" mature †are characterized by â€Å" similar birthrate rates and common demands for household planning policies, plans and services †( Asia-Pacific Population & A ; Policy Report, 1991 ) . Thailand moved out of the emergent phase in the early 1960s and reached the mature phase in 1985 after following a national population policy, developing a scheme of advancing household planning and spread outing preventive services. In 1994, after Thailand ‘s engagement in the International Conference on Population a nd Development ( ICPD ) , generative wellness policies in the said state were reviewed by its National Family Planning Committee. In 1997, Thailand ‘s Minister of Public Health set forth the National Reproductive Health Policy, which includes household planning and maternal and child wellness ( Department of Family and Community Health, World Health Organization, 2004 ) . The lessons from the household be aftering narratives of these two states put in the image the call for the acceptance of a concrete household planning policy in the state. Possibly, Philippines might besides hold the same consequences if the Reproductive Health Bill will be implemented. After all, household planning in its most elemental sense helps in the decrease of unplanned gestations and publicity of slower population growing. Truly, the state needs a generative wellness measure. The arguments on the RH measure are indispensable in guaranting that this policy will profit the whole public particularly the hapless and marginalized sector of the population. However, the endless arguments have besides caused the hold of a policy that the state should hold benefitted a decennary ago. Although these ceaseless arguments had caused the hold of the transition of RH measure, it besides highlighted two of import things: the function of stakeholders, involvement and force per unit area groups in the policy-making procedure and the Catholic Church as a stakeholder is a decisive factor in policy results. The transition of RH measure has been a battle for RH advocators since the primary critic of it is the Catholic Church. However, the recent negativist dictums of the Catholic hierarchy and its determination to non prosecute negotiations with the President sing the step and besides its determination non to take part in t he Senate hearings on the RH measure shows that the transition of RH measure is possible in the fifteenth Congress. However, RH critics in Congress besides contribute to the hold of the transition of RH measure. Harmonizing to Rep. Lagman, one of the chief hurdlings being faced by the writers of the measure is the perennial absenteeism and deficiency of warm organic structures in Plenary. In the arguments during the old Congress, those opposed to the measure would ever oppugn the quorum so as to detain treatments and protract the arguments until the clip that Congress is scheduled to recess. Nevertheless, the bulk of protagonists of RH measure from assorted sectors will besides be a factor for the transition of the said policy. Beyond uncertainty, RH measure would go on to be a controversial issue in the state as different stakeholders will go on to escalate their runs for or against the said measure. It will all boil down to the inquiry whether RH critics would go on to detain the transition of RH measure and would successfully turn down it or RH advocators ‘ battle for a generative wellness policy would be fruitful. The Church had proven to be effectual in their run to oppose the said step while adult females ‘s groups continue to run for the passage of RH measure. Nonetheless, whichever involvement group would win in their battle, it is of import to observe that these involvement groups have played of import functions since RH issue has gripped the public consciousness.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Skeleton for Marge Piercy
Ashley Zogba November 30, 2010 Skeleton #1 Colors passing through us by Marge Piercy: In the collection of poems, Colors passing through us, Marge Piercy expressed her feelings and her perspection of life through her eyes using references to colors, and other daily life things. â€Å"Blue as still water. Blue as the eyes of a siamese cat. †She expresses her calm and cool feelings through the color blue. She refers to the still water, which symbolizes tranquility, serenity and the state of being at peace. Love is a lumpy thing. †Marge compares love to a lumpy thing. Almost like it has different sides to it. Then she continues on to compare it to cutting onions, fun, and work. Through her eyes, love has different stages. Love is â€Å"lumpy†it has its ups and downs. In bed, we act the grace of dolphins arcing like a wheel, The grace of water falling, from a cliff white and sparkling in a roar of spume. Piercy states that â€Å"in bed we act like grace†¦ â⠂¬ then she goes on to that later we eould be ourselves again.That means that we are one way but when we get out into the open world we follow society's rules of civilization. â€Å"The womb opens on a new beast†Marge piercy describes the world as a womb and a new beast as new opportunities. She uses the arrival of a new child to tie it all in one. In The collections of poems, Colors passing through us, Marge Piercy develops many significances through colors, animals and daily life things to express her feelings and her perspective of life.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Two discussion questions see below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Two discussion questions see below - Essay Example In the same country, approximately 1 million truly disadvantaged experience crime first hand (Siegel, 2006). This means that in every three truly disadvantaged people in south Belmont, one of them is more prone to crime than the rest and lack the joy of being a young citizen since he or she has to commit crime for sustenance (Siegel, 2006). To both adolescents and adults, crime among the truly disadvantaged is tremendously painful and there is nobody who does it out of fun but influence from parents, friends or politicians. The truly disadvantaged from families that are violent are likely to suffer from social, behavioral, psychological and academic problems than those brought up in good atmospheres. The best criminology theory to explain the Virginia Tech Massacre would be the Interactionist view of crime. It is according to this view that laws banning murder, rapes, and robbery have political undertones. The conflict view of crime has a few of examples of crimes in the society including police brutality, inadequate childcare and price fixing. This view of crime states that reality does not exist and therefore crimes are termed either as good or evil. The best example for this view of crime is people viewing some films while others cannot because they think they are not appropriate (Siegel, 2006). Criminals condemned under this view of crime in the Virginia Tech Massacre are mostly labeled outcasts because they went against the social consensus and norms. All the three perspective views have good points but I think I would go for the conflict view of crime because I is important to acknowledge the differences between the lower classes compared to the upper class and this is the only perspective that can truly address the problem at
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Class Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Class Discussion Questions - Essay Example #2 It is hard to argue with the fact that the government imposing a tariff would result in a greater amount of revenue going into the government. But in terms of producers and thinking of whether they gain or lose from a tariff, it is a more complicated question. On the one hand, producers in a domestic sense would be protected by the tariff, and thus gain stability within an internal domestic market. However, there would be negative repercussions for competition on a global market, and this is an increasingly global world of free trade opportunity and speed. Overall, producers have more to gain than to lose from limited tariffs, because ultimately, the producers are not going to have as much competition. #3 Chad mentioned that tariffs could hurt the US economy, and I agree. I also agree that in history, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930, an excessive form of licensed protectionism for the US market, actually did the opposite of what it was supposed to do, which was end the crisis of the Great Depression. These factors point towards the phenomenon of bubble and crash, and particularly the stock market crash that led to the Great Depression. â€Å"The concept of buying now and paying later was quickly adopted and by 1929, 60% of all cars and 80% of all radios were bought on installment credit. By 1929, 80% of Americans had no savings at all. Between 1925 and 1929 the total amount of outstanding installment credit increased from $1.38 billion to over $3 billion†(Shepherd, 2003). However, it is fairly safe to say that people have learned from the mistakes of this time period. Learning from this disaster means that banks are fairly safe places for our money, as they are highly reg ulated, but they are not completely fail-safe or fool-proof. It may be better and safer to have a savings account collecting interest than to have the money under the mattress generally, but during specific
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
CASE PROBLEM 2 OFFICE EQIPMENT , INC - Speech or Presentation Example In view of the waiting line model, OEI can predict the customer waiting time by adding the total time that is expected to be spent on each client including travelling time and service time. Basically, if it takes one hour for the technician to travel to a customer and one and half hours to fix a problem, then it would mean that he would need another hour to travel to the next customer assuming that they are within a similar distance according to the waiting line model. So on average it is two and half hours with the first customer then another hour to travel to the next customer. Customers should expect to wait for one hour, if by chance he is the first in line or between 3 and 4 hours on average considering that the technician would move from point A to B in one hour and would need about one and half hours to fix a problem before proceeding to the next customer. Generally 4 hours is the maximum waiting time for each client assuming that the technician would need to attend to first c ustomers in line. OEI is satisfied that one technician can service the 10 customers without much hassles. The probability that no customer is in the system can be derived from adding the total number of hours that would be spent on each customer. Given that on average he spends 3 hours per customer, and a customer calls at least once in 50 hours of operation, then it would mean that after the technician has worked for 30 hours, there no longer would be any customer in the system given that he would have attended to all of them within one specified 50 hour time frame. The average number of customers waiting can be derived by subtracting the number of customers that would already have been attended to from the total number of customers which is 10 within a specified time range of 50 hours considering that each client calls once during that particular time. Another method may be to subtract the total number of hours already worked by the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Discrimination of African Americans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Discrimination of African Americans - Essay Example Malcolm X, who was shot down for his activities and involment against inequality and racism existing in the country. The period of 1955-1968 saw the emergence of the civil rights movements aimed at outlawing racial discrimination against the African Americans and giving them back their right to vote. The emergence of the Black power movement, which lasted from 1966 to 1975? supported the civil rights movement to expand their aims as well as protect racial dignity and freedom from oppression by the whites. In the year 1965? the Voting Rights Act was passed, and it was considered to be the most successful period of civil rights legislation ever adopted by the United States congress. This action of the congress was greatly appreciated and supported by almost all African Americans in many southern parts. All these acts and legislations passed that were passed? during that time? facilitated the eradicaton of ongoing obstructions faced by the African Americans against their right to vote. The situation and condition of the working class in the United States improved immediately? once the country got involved in the World War II. The nation saw a drastic increase in the employment rate from its 1940 levels. Employers were desperate to fill positions required in the production of military equipments, vehicles, weapons and ammunition. The vacancies were open to traditional workforce, women as well as the non-whites who had long been excluded from skilled and high paying industries. The emergence of the Black Panther Party (BPP) saw a dramatic change in the political scenario in the United States during the period. It was a progressive political party that stood for the rights of the working class people in America since the civil war. The BPP was... Rgis paper stresses that there are places where racism exists between the whites and the African Americans. But the situation was much worse during a few decades back. The African Americans had no rights and were totally supressed and oppressed under the power of the whites. Let us take a look at the America as it was after the 1950s. At the beginning of the 1960s, the Americans believed that they were about to witness the golden age or, in other words, the era of golden age was about to begin. On Jan 20, 1961, John.F.Kennedy was elected as The President of the United States. But the golden age was never materialised and the end of the 1960s seemed to be the downfall of the nation. During his presidential campaign, John.F.Kennedy had introduced laws and reforms to eliminate injustice and racism in the country. But these laws did not bring with them solutions to any of the problems faced by African Americans in US. This paper makes a conclusion that it becomes evident that it was because of the joint efforts of a lot of leaders, especially African American ones, that they could restore equal treatment and rights just like the white people had. A lot of processions and demonstrations finally paved way to the world in general to realize the fact that there is no point in racial discrimination, or any kind of discrimination for that matter. People all over the world, especially America opened their eyes to the reality that all human beings are the same despite what his race, religion, caste, ethnicity or nationality may be.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Customized bags Industry for Entrepreneurship class Essay
Customized bags Industry for Entrepreneurship class - Essay Example When shopping for a gift, consumers look for a selection that will make a lasting impression on the minds. Consumers perceive personalized gifts as value for money. In the face of global warming, depleting natural resources and increasing concern among the nature activists, the environment friendly custom bag industry upholds a good opportunity for willing investors and enthusiastic entrepreneurs to venture into. The objective is to start small and gradually scale growth. The method devised to enter the custom made bags industry is to set a web platform whereby customers will login to the website also choose the size and type of bag they want and then choose their favourite design or upload their personal photographs or set the names to be printed on the bag. However the crux of the plan is to provide only eco-friendly bags made from paper, jute and other natural fibres. Customers will also have the option to choose from a range of fashion bags made from post-consumption and industrial waste. Our website works as a bridge between the manufacturers of eco-friendly bags, designers and potential customers. Once an order is processed the bags will be customized using in-house expertise in printing and sewing and thereby delivered at the door step of the customer. To start off with we would cater to the needs and requirements of both retail and corporate clients. Retail customers would comprise today’s fashionable youths who value fashion accessories but at the same time are committed to keep the environment clean. The customized eco-friendly bags apart from serving their generic functionality also add a personal statement to the user. These custom made fashionable bags speak for themselves and gives the user his or her individuality. These bags can also be used as excellent gift items and this is where the corporate clients come into the picture.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Writting health care business paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Writting health care business paper - Essay Example The organizations can prioritize them, work on the solutions and provide a cost effective measure to it that will attract the clients and increase the business. Based on the data that is given for the possible causes of health and illness conditions, accidents top the fatal count of children. If some emergency recovery centers are established, could prove as a decisive factor in improving the client feedback. The data provided is classified age wise, and for persons in the age of 45, cancer and heart problems are the prime cause of illness. For persons aging around 74, chronic diseases tops the list. Finally on general assessment, the evaluation of the economic condition would help greatly in identifying key market niches. For example, Jehovah's Witness community revenue details are most appealing considering the fact they just followed a single policy of implementing private insurance and Medicare. Such scenarios boost the economy of the region and thereby allow other organizations to tread the same path. Innovative Medical Groups Innovative Medical, a $265 million revenue medical group is considered to be the biggest competitor for MCMPC. It has more than 1100 employees and is expanding its serving region with its new alignment with County Regional Medical Center. Provided below are the basic details of the group. Their strengths, weakness as well as the opportunities and threats in comparison with MCMPC are detailed here. Strengths The main backbone of Innovative medical groups is their strategic planning headed by Dr. Schwartz, who has a degree of MBA aiding him in managing things effectively. He has a great record in dealing... Threats With about 50% of the residents of the county trying to relocate themselves, it is posing a bigger threat for the group to make them come back for treatment. It is demanding that several advanced technologies have to be implemented in order to sustain the same rate of client visits to the group. But this investment does not 100% ensure that the profits will be sustained. It is posing to be a serious threat. Partnership Analysis In order for MCMPC to regain its financial stability and stature in the market, it needs to partner with any of the two potential partners currently doing service in the same profession. It has to do it in order to achieve new strategy based advantages, similar to the way Innovative Medical has achieved through its collaboration with CRMC. Following are the analysis and consultation views on what would be the best association for MCMPC that could be with either Good Sisters or Riverside Hospitals. Good Sisters Association If Good Sisters is considered to be the partner, then there are certain pros and cons that need to be taken into account. The pros include that Good Sisters is present in the southern part of the county; partnering with it would increase benefits reaped through this association in that region. Apart from this sole reason, there is not much that would enhance the chances of partnership relationship.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Unit Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Unit Plan - Assignment Example More over, lessons are outlined as well as supportive assessments and assignments that will aid student in learning. Student learning materials, resources and units background information are also included in this plan. Probability is the number of favorable outcomes with reference to the total number of possible outcomes. This is established depending on the nature of the event i.e. independent or dependant as well as the presence of replacement since order matter. It is therefore very important to note that there is a huge difference between the theoretical and there experimental probability of any event. More over, sample spaces can be formed from possible outcomes and be determined through the application of the counting principle or through permutation or combination. This should be done to ensure that the student to understand this unit and be able to compute probable outcomes from an event. Further more, practical demonstration should be used frequently to demonstrate the main bases of this unit. Class quizzes and home works should be a very important tool of teaching this unit to encourage self assessment. This lesson is inclusive of introduction which should not take more than 5 minutes. The remaining time should be distributed equally to the sub topics as out lined in the week’s plan. At the end of this lesson students should be able to differentiate the terms as well as be able to work out probability problems under this category. A very brief discussion of the previous day’s lesson should be discussed to remind the student about the unit. In this lesson it should be mentioned how a certain order will affect the probability of an outcome. This can be demonstrated by the use of different colored balls for students to see the order in which the colors emerge. In this lesson permutation will also be revisited. This lesson is about the
Jewish art history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Jewish art history - Essay Example The Dura Europas Temple started as a simple private home. The Jews converted the home to a synagogue during the 2nd Century. The Jews are a religious people. As religious individuals, the people often go to pray in their temples. The Dura Europus is one of the famous temples of the Jews. However, the temple was reduced to sand starting in 244 CE. The Jews filled the temple with wall paintings. The paintings included the famous Tanakh stories. The people’s lives revolve around the temple’s teachings. The priests impart the religious rules on how to live life by implementing the religious teachings. The images on the temple walls add to the religious fervor of the people. Several individuals did not believe that the decorative cycle paintings reflected didactic images. The images include stories of the Ark located in the land of the Philistines. The images include the important story of the Tabernacle’s consecration. The Dura Europas’ ceiling was filled with majestic images. The images had Roman themes. The temple included the Torah Shrine image, the Menorah Image, and the Akedat Yizchak (binding Isaac as he is prepared for the Sacrifice). The Paintings located inside the Dura Europas had Eastern, Roman, and Hellenic themes. The Lower East side of New York Movie shows how the Jews lived (Riis 1). The Jews were poor people. Consequently, they lived tightly packed like sardines under one roof. In some homes, six persons slept on one bed, tightly embracing one another. Some Jews lived together under one small room in Shtelt and other communities. Consequently, the rooms were congested with people. Tightly packed, the Jews, especially the children, often played together on the streets and within their residences or communities. When the Jews come out of their temples, they are either smiling or crying. They are smiling because they are happy to hear the priests’ new
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Ducati Essay Example for Free
Ducati Essay Patrick EnglandDucati individual write up #3 Management 495 2/7/2012 Can Ducati sustain its position in the sport segment? Can Honda and other Japanese manufactures stop its growth in this segment? The ability for Ducati to sustain its position in the sport segment of motorcycles is going to depend on management’s ability to stay focused on keeping their image and story alive and in the minds of the motorcycle community. If management continues its current trend I believe that they can sustain their position, although there are challenges posed by the Japanese firms and changes in Ducati itself can also play a role in their ability to maintain their growth and position as the high end advanced sport bikes. Ducati’s decision to move from a mechanical company to an entertainment company could be the source of its success or its failure. The company to this point in 2001 had become known for their exotic engineering and design, focusing on beating the completion by any means, even if it involved producing a bike that many might call ugly or not the traditional motorcycle, so Ducati was running the risk of turning away the very customers and removing the image that had built them to the company they had become. But the decision made by Minoli, to become more of an entertainment company and to produce products that could be attractable by a wider variety of customers could also spur growth and market share that the company desperately wanted and needed if it was going to continue to compete with the Japanese bikes. I believe that if the management at Ducati can continue to make this â€Å"turnaround†hold and follow through with the goals laid out in it, then yes they can sustain their position, although any deviation or getting lack in the respects of implementing these long term goals will in my opinion hurt them greatly, for it is the image and the brand that Ducati represents that makes their products wanted. If they try too hard to copy the functions and company structure of competitors they very well may be destroying their core competitive advantage of image and product uniqueness. Japanese manufactures have been pushing hard in the sport market and have the capital and business structure to make a full fledge effort to take market share in the sport division. Honda and others have the ability to mimic the aspects of Ducati that have made them so revered by customers (mainly new technology and exotic styling) while still maintain their reliability and cost advantage. They will still continue to struggle with the â€Å"cookie cutter†image that has plagued them throughout their history, and I believe that if they can try to separate products in their sport division and create the image of uniqueness and exoticness that people associate with Ducati, then they definitely can pose a serious threat.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
HR Strategies That Google Has Implemented
HR Strategies That Google Has Implemented Management of human resources has become one of the most important business functions for any company in todays dynamic business environment. With the high level of competition and a multitude of options available to the employees, attrition rates have grown tremendously. Companies are struggling to attract and retain the best talent. Companies have started coming up with many innovative strategies to attract the best talent and keep them happy at the workplace. Google is one such company that has implemented non-conventional HR strategies and believes in providing maximum value to its employees. This report talks about the HR strategies that Google has implemented and what their ramifications have been. Also the reasons behind implementation of these strategies and the how they would help the company achieve its long term goals. This report also studies the unique working environment prevalent at Google and what keeps the employees motivated and committed to innovation. Also the very important role of hiring and retaining the best talent available in the market, performed by the HR machinery has also been discussed in this report. Introduction Google has a highly energetic and dynamic working environment. The employees, known as Googlers in popular jargon know how to work hard and at the same time have fun at the work place. The entire campus in Mountain view, CA exudes a lot of creative energy and dynamism. The office has a relaxed environment of a college campus with no compulsory dress code or daily formal meetings of any kind. The campus has the facilities for the employees to play games like beach volleyball, foosball, table tennis and many others. The employees are instilled with the belief that they are superior to the competition not just in terms of the money they earn but also in terms of their lifestyle and culture. They are taught to believe in values of teamwork and satisfaction through creative achievements. As a result of this culture, the employees also feel proud to be a part of the Google brand. Google has comprehensive HR policies that help employees grow both personally as well as professionally. People of many communities and ethnicities work in Google, who are all made to feel part of one big Google family. Also the employees have a firm belief that they are working for the best company in the world and the work they are doing be it either organizing information or creating advertisements is for the betterment of the society. The motto of the company is Dont be Evil and encourages the employees to strictly adhere to the ethical norms of the company. Google HR Policies: Critical and Theoretical Analysis Success of Google: Employee Motivation Theory Perspective Google encourages its employees to work on 70-20-10 rule where in the employees have to devote 70 % of their time to core search and advertising work, 20% on a project of their choice and 10 % on working on far-out ideas. The product innovations of Google Talk and Gmail have been a result of this kind of initiative. The business benefits of the 20 % off time are very limited as far as their core search and advertising businesses are concerned. However the HR department and the executives still continue to encourage the employees to go for these efforts to remain motivated and committed to innovation and novelty. The compensation policy of Google is highly rewarding with the employees getting salaries, bonuses and stock awards at regular time intervals. Google also encourages and rewards outstanding performance achievements amongst the employees. The Google premise has a big collegiate environment with many sporting facilities and other benefits that the employees can avail. The whole idea behind creating such an environment is that the employees feel very comfortable and easy working in the office and can be as creative as possible. In order for the employees to maintain work life balance, Google offers the employees flexible working hour options, work from home facility, telecommuting and a generous vacation policy. This combined with the TGIIF sessions that are held every Friday afternoon which is a get together within the company itself. The company has a strong code of conduct and encourages its employees to report any violation of policies and feel safe doing the same. The HR policies are all aimed at improving employee productivity. The offices are designed in such a way so as to provide color, lighting and a shared room to the employees. The employees are seated very close to each other and made to share offices, thus making knowledge sharing an essential part of the everyday culture at Google. On an average, each employee generates more than 1 million in revenue each year. This gives leverage to the Google employees and manager to try out new things, make mistakes and learn from their failures, which is again a great motivating factor for the employees to try out new stuff. So as a result any employee in the company has a chance to create a new product or a feature. Hiring Job Design Practices: The Organizational Perspective Google is considered by many employees to be the best place to work. The core strength of the company is its employees. All the benefits provided by the company help it in recruiting the top employees who are willing to spend their entire day at the work place itself. The entire HR policy of Google is based around hiring the best talent; make them work hard and long and manage to keep them at Google for a long time. Google also carries out various people programs in order to support the growing expansion of the Google workforce across different countries in the world. These programs are run to explain the many virtues of Google as an employer and also to deal with the cultural diversities of the workforce across the nations. Google has an innovative hiring strategy and hiring the right people is one of the core pillars of the HR policy of the company. The company has a centralized hiring team, comprising of specialists whose main endeavor is to identify the best talent in the market and retain them. The branding team of Google also plays a very important role in attracting the best of the professionals to work for Google. The candidates have to go through a tough screening process. Google uses an innovative recruiting tool that relies on algorithms to identify the potential talent rather than traditional ways of hiring like those based on academic grades, SAT scores, degree from well-known colleges, prior industry experience, interviews and subjective test results. This gives Google the power to identify and select the candidates on a more data driven approach. The whole idea behind this screening procedure is to evaluate the candidates on their innovative and dynamic skill and to check their ability to work in a flat organizational structure with small teams as present in Google, which is also referred to as Googleyness. This recruiting team is also well funded with 1 recruiter being provided for every 14 employees, which again makes it the best funded recruiting functions amongst the product based organizations in the country. Google has HR Business partners who perform the task of developing and implementing innovative programs and technology in place to identify and resolve end user issues across the company anywhere in the world. They collect and maintain important user data collected over an employees life cycle which is then used to find out important traits and trends of employee behaviors and identify the potentials problems. Google has quarterly hand holding sessions with the senior executives to celebrate the achievement of the previous quarter and set the agenda for the next quarter. However for those who are not comfortable of speaking up in a public forum, the company conducts regular surveys which are kept anonymous to understand the trends and identify the problem areas if there are an y. Googles Learning and Leadership Development (LLD) team innovative learning programs to identify and groom the companys existing talent. The managers perform the task of being life coaches and advise the young employees on a lot of aspects apart from work also. Google HR Policies: Practical Implications Employee Motivation Factors Google has got huge financial strength at its disposal. It spends a lot of money on providing its employees with a lot of benefits which are not comparable to any other company in the world. This makes it a highly motivating work place for any employee. Google has a very flat organizational structure where in the employees can go and talk to the executives and other team members and share their ideas and thoughts. Google has pushed very hard to remove the bureaucratic boundaries that normally exist in such a big company. This is also explains the fact as to why there is no dress code of the company and also no formal meeting structure that the employees need to follow. The young work force that the company has also proliferates such an environment. This is also one of the major reasons why so many talented young people want to work with Google. Google has been successful in building a brand over the years that has made it the most lucrative company to work, for the employees, not onl y in terms of compensation but also in terms of attaining ones creative pursuits. It has been constantly cited as one of the best companies to work for in the world in many surveys over a period of time. So for any other company to emulate the same feat would be a huge task both in terms of financial capability and also in terms of brand value. Hiring Job Design Practices The hiring process that Google follows is also very innovative and non-conventional. In a normal conventional company the process would involve interviews, academic background check, work experience in the industry and so on, but not in Google. Google has come up with a very innovative hiring procedure based on algorithms making the entire process of hiring very scientific and data driven. However there are criticisms for this kind of process also as it goes on for months and is very inconvenient for the applicants, but it has been very fruitful to Google from a business perspective as it has been able to hire the best of the talent from the industry. Such a long hiring cycle again might not be feasible for any other company in todays day and time. Also the applicants are ready to wait for months despite the inconvenience because working with Google is such a lucrative proposition in itself. However its difficult to imagine that the applicants would be ready to go through such a long and a tedious hiring cycle for any other company. Moreover it is not only the HR department that is involved in the hiring process in the case of Google; its the entire company that gets involved as the application first needs to be approved by the team that has the opening. So its the entire machinery of the company that is involved in the hiring process. Google can do this because of its flat organizational structure. Other companies however would have to remove the bureaucracy in their system and create small team structures in order to implement something on similar lines. Conclusion Google is one of those companies that puts its employees at the core of their strategy and looks at the long term benefits that they would bring to the shareholders and their peers. In fact, in 2008 when Google began cutting its employee perks, its employee productivity and stock prices both fell. This shows a direct correlation between gaining and retaining outstanding employees with innovative ideas and the overall company growth. The companys success has been based on the fact that they have been innovative, flexible and dynamic in their functions. Managing growth by keeping the same collegiate environment in the future will be essential to companys success. As Google grows in shape and size, the challenge for the company will be to maintain the same level creative activism and sense of empowerment amongst its employees. Google is having problems finding the right talent in its other offices worldwide especially in its South Asia operations. The employees must be encouraged to wor k in a more entrepreneurial manner and they must be provided adequate resources and finances for the same. Google is one of the few companies where in the employees know that they will be paid for their innovative efforts irrespective of the fact whether the product that they are working on, may or may not come out right. This is a highly motivational factor for the employees to remain committed to innovation. This is also an example how a HR strategy of a company is directly linked to its business strategy.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Influences of Immigration to the UK, and the Impact
Influences of Immigration to the UK, and the Impact 1.1 Overview The dissertation aims to thoroughly investigate the main influencing factors that do inspire skilled manpower from Bangladesh to immigrate to other countries especially to first world countries. Simultaneously, the dissertation also purposes to identify, analyse and establish the significance of the ultimate impact of such migration on the country, notably on its business ventures. The economy of Bangladesh is highly dependent on the export of human resources and foreign exchange associated with their remittance. However, there has been a significant change in the global labour market in recent times due to a demand for skilled and educated manpower, which is why Bangladesh is now facing stiff competition from new entrants such as Vietnam, Cambodia and Nepal in this traditional market. While Bangladesh government is trying to create skilled workers and export them, highly skilled professionals are now with the changed scenarios migrating in groups leaving their positions vacant, which is a great concern for the government. Due to such migration, government of Bangladesh as well as private organizations are lacking sufficient and trained high-skilled professionals to fulfil their vacant positions and ultimately suffering from mismanagement. As is the scenario, Bangladesh is a third-world country located in the South Asia, where almost half of the population lives under the extreme poverty line announced by the UN. Being a poor and over populated country, the country is now only a developing one and modern civic facilities here in this country are therefore almost absent or insufficient. The country badly lacks in providing most basic needs such as food, housing and treatment and let alone education, security, and welfare. In spite of remarkable growth in the GDP, per capita income is only about $300 in the country. Besides, with the social disorder, political unrest and ever increasing violence in the society, only a few people have real wish to live here. Above all, environmental threat such as desertification, sea-level rise, seasonal change and natural disasters etc. add up fuel in them to jump off the country. It is warned that if the continual rise in the world-temperature carries on, almost a-third of the country will go under water with the rise in the sea-level by 2040. Eventually, citizens of all walks of the country are migration-oriented and each year, a lot of people shift themselves to the richer countries in order to avail themselves of the economic and social opportunities. However, many others migrate to be with their family members who have already migrated to other countries. Education, being another reason for leaving country, is also responsible for international migration as once students go abroad to pursue their studies, they ultimately settle there and do not bother to return. However, these migrations have a huge impact on the country especially on its smooth supply of killed workforce in a number of sectors due to deserting many positions all on a sudden. Eventually, different sectors suffer much lacking proper manpower. It is a fact that in Bangladesh, there are about 150 millions of people, but no right people in the right place due the shortage of proper training and f requent migration. 1.2 Rationale In their election manifesto, one of the two largest political parties, Bangladesh Awami League, clearly announced that short, medium and long term plans will be made and implemented for poverty reduction, efficient management for quick industrialization that can provide employment, speedy expansion of stock market, maintenance of law order and discipline, elimination of bribe and corruption and administrative difficulties, avoidance of political influence, creation of an investment friendly environment and a competitive market system, adoption of innovative technology, and provision of infrastructural facilities that are able to attract entrepreneurs and expand domestic market. In order to encourage investment by local and foreign entrepreneurs and expatriate Bangladeshis, the ONE-STOP facility will be made effective by simplifying legal and procedural formalities. Measures will be put in place to protect indigenous industries. Development of IT industry, strengthening of RMG and textile sectors and expansion of food processing, pharmaceuticals, leather, chemical products, toys, jewellery and furniture industries will be given priority. Special initiative will be taken for alternative use of jute and to make jute industry viable. Small and handicraft industries and agro-based industry will be encouraged and will be given all cooperation in the expansion of markets at home and abroad. Expansion in tourism sector, increase in labour export, and investment of remittance received from expatriate Bangladeshis in productive sectors will be ensured. All above targets and project implementations need sufficiently skilled, highly educated and experienced workforce. However, once the present government started implementation procedure, they have been facing the problem of not having ‘the right people in the right place’ in almost all sectors due to frequent migration which is why both the government and private organizations are now looking into the rationale of the frequent migrations of their employees that has been affecting their targets terribly. According to Office for National Statistics (UK) report on International Migration, Bangladesh, being one of the smallest countries in the world, is one of the top 10 countries of migrants (Source: Table C(ii): Top 10 countries of last of next residence of migrants who are non-British citizens, IPS only, 2005–2006 combined). Therefore, it is indeed justified to study the reasons of skilled people’s immigration from Bangladesh and its effects and aftereffects on organizations while they are recruiting senior especially officials for project implementation. 1.3 The Research Questions The basic aims of the research questions are establish motivating factors that lead thousands of people over the world leave their homeland every year to journey to the other countries from their countries of origins. They simultaneously aim at establishing the deep-rooted impacts of such migration on companies, organizations and recruiters in their recruitment leaving long-term significance on the country. They research questions are stated below. 1. Do Bangladeshi people leave their native country? The very first question aims to establish a general trend among Bangladeshi people i.e. skilled workforce starting from forecast to find out its way to accumulate more obvious secondary data to be processed based on other primary and secondary data found in the relevant field. 2. Why do they plan to leave their native country? The second question aims to establish typical reasons for Bangladeshi skilled employees to leave their jobs and migrate to other countries. It also aims to organize the factors sequentially from more obvious to less determining the burning issues with employees working in the country. 3. What factors lead skilled and educated employees to plan their migrations? The third question is a less general one concentrating on only educated and skilled employees to demonstrate their motivational factors to migration to a different country. 4. How does it impact recruitment process? The final question is the core one that will seek out to demonstrate all positive and negative impacts of such migration on the recruitment process as well as the country. It will determine the impacts that skilled-workers’ migrations can cause and will be mostly answered using processed data supplied by different agencies, organizations and recruiters. Firstly, all primary data from individuals will help us here to identify the relevant respondents’ perspectives and then finally secondary data will assist them to intensify. Hypothesis The hypotheses for the dissertation are as follows. H 1. A lot of Bangladeshi people migrate from their country. H 2. Mostly skilled and educated people are migrating from the country. H 3. Employed people who are not satisfied with their salaries and/or other opportunities are migrating. H 4. Those skilled employees are migrating to developed 1st world countries that beckon better facilities. H 5. The majority of the migrating people are deserting their positions in Bangladesh. H 6. This migration is affecting the recruitment process in Bangladeshi a lot. 1.4 Definition of Related Terms In the very beginning of the discussion, it is really important to define the terms that are embedded in the topic. As we see in the topic, the words migration, employees, employers and recruitment as well as their related terms are to be defined for better presentation. It is to be noted that the terms are sometimes replaced by their synonyms which are given below just after their definitions. 1.5.1 Migration: Different organizations have defined the word in various ways. According to the United Nations, it is simply a ‘transfer lasting more than one year’ (Anna Karenina: The Brain-drain in Lithuania, p10). However, there are more appropriate definitions of the word are found which are appended below. The web-based definitions of the word are ( †¢ (n) migration (the movement of persons from one country or locality to another) †¢ (n) migration (a group of people migrating together [especially in some given time period]) †¢ (n) migration ((chemistry) the nonrandom movement of an atom or radical from one place to another within a molecule) †¢ S: (n) migration (the periodic passage of groups of animals (especially birds or fishes) from one region to another for feeding or breeding) Again, online thesaurus defines it like the following ( Noun1. migration the movement of persons from one country or locality to another Related terms: emigration, out-migration, expatriation migration from a place (especially migration from your native country in order to settle in another) immigration, in-migration migration into a place (especially migration to a country of which you are not a native in order to settle there) movement, move, motion the act of changing location from one place to another; police controlled the motion of the crowd; the movement of people from the farms to the cities; his move put him directly in my path 2. migration a group of people migrating together (especially in some given time period) people (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively; old people; there were at least 200 people in the audience The synonyms of the word are immigration, wandering, journey, voyage, travel, movement, shift, trek, emigration, roving, and expatriation. One of the commonest definitions of the word is as follows. Migration: the movement of persons from one country or locality to another ( What migration refers, however, can be divided into two types. One is emigration and the other immigration. Emigration typically refers to the process of people leaving a nation (Adler and Gielen) . On the other hand, immigration is the process that involves people entering and settling in a country or region to which one is not native (The Free Dictionary) . Secondly, employees refer to the persons involved in doing any job or paid work under any authority. The term employee is defined as a worker who is hired to perform a job (wordnetweb) while an employer is ‘a person or firm that employs workers’ (wordnetweb) . Finally, the term recruitment â€Å"refers to the process of screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm, or for a vacancy†or ‘the process or art of finding candidates for a post in an organization, or of recruits for the armed forces†. External recruitment is the process of attracting and selecting employees from outside the organization. 1.5 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: The main objective of the dissertation is to examine the overall status of international migration of skilled people from Bangladesh. Simultaneously, it aims at examining the influences on recruitment process due to such migration. 2. Introduction to Literature Review It is a fact that literature review is one of the most important components of any research being undertaken. The basic aim of the review is to spot or identify the current status or state of the investigation in relevant field. It also facilitates the facts and findings of others working in the same field by providing some invaluable background information and statistics. 2.1 Brief History of Migration in Bangladesh In this globalized world, the annual growth rate of the global migration increased from ‘1.2 per cent in 1965-1975 to 3 per cent in early 2000’ (Abella, 2002). The increase in the movement of workers is indicative of increased employment opportunity in the global market. One and the same, since its inception in 1971, from Bangladesh, one of the major emigrating countries in the world, migration has enabled many people to obtain productive, fulfilling and creative work. However, for many others, it has failed to provide jobs of acceptable quality. Yet, each year a large number of people voluntarily migrate overseas for both long- and short-term employment. The earliest immigrants from the British-ruled Indian province of Bengal arrived in first-world countries during the late nineteenth century. They accompanied a small number of retired British Indian officers as either servants or workmen. During the independence of India in 1947, the old Bengal was split, and its Muslim-dominated eastern part became East Pakistan and following a struggle for independence Bangladesh separated from Pakistan in 1971. Despite political independence, and development of a clothes and textiles industry, Bangladeshis experienced a low standard of living which is why people started to seek a better life elsewhere. Thus the trend to immigrate among Bangladeshis started since the inception of the country. During the independence war, the operation of the Pakistani military in East Pakistan in 1971 caused an estimated 8 to 10 million refugees to cross the border into India in one of the great mass movements of modern times. Apart from the above, since 80’s educated youth, skilled workers and executives, and unskilled workers have been migrating from the country in regular basis, mainly migrated to the Middle East and other regions. Additionally, Bangladesh have also lost some highly skilled members of the work force to Western Europe and North America. As time has progressed, the country experienced more migration of skilled employees to somewhere. During the past year, 370,000 Bangladeshis have found employment in Malaysia. It has been learnt that a further 100,000 may also be able to go within this year. This recent Reuters article places most Bangladeshi migrant workers in the Middle East, US, UK, Germany, Italy, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore (The Migration and Remittances Factbook 2008). In fact, migration to other developing countries is more prevalent than it is thought. Mr. Dilip Ratha and William Shaw have estimated in a World Bank Working Paper taking Bangladesh and India for example that Bilateral migration data estimates show 50 million skilled people born in Bangladesh live in outside. The New Nation reported recently that some 370,000 Bangladeshis have found employment in Malaysia and about 100,000 are expected to join them this year. Increasingly, immigration policies of developed countries tend to favour the entry of skilled workers, raising substantial concerns among sending countries. Among many others, the first concern is that a higher skilled content of migration is found to be associated with a lower flow of remittances and second, there is little evidence suggesting that raising the skill composition of migration has a positive effect on the educational achievements in the home country. 2.2 Number of Migrants Located in the north-eastern part of South Asia, Bangladesh lies between 20 º34 and 26 º36 north latitude and 88 º01 and 92  º 41’ east longitudes. These picturesque geographical boundaries frame a low lying plain of about 1,47,570 sq. km criss-crossed by innumerable rivers and streams having population of about 120 million which makes it the eighth populous country of the world. As is stated before, the country is has been experiencing emigrated people since its inception and the rates of the university-educated people’s immigration tend to be higher than for the general population in developing countries. This is even greater for scientists, engineers, and members of the medical profession.In South Asia, the tertiary-educated people’s emigration rate from the region is more than 100 times greater than primary or secondary educated people. In 2005, total stock of emigration from Bangladesh was 4,885,704, which was 3.4% percent of the population. Among all emigrating countries in the world, the country placed 5th in that year, whereas in the year 2000, it was not in the top 10 list of tertiary educated emigration list. 2.3 Top Destinations In 2005, by a rough estimate, two of every five migrants on the globe were residing in a developing country. Most of these migrants are likely to have come from other developing countries. The extent and issues surrounding migration between developing countries, however, remain poorly understood, largely because data on migration in developing countries are incomplete and unreliable. However, as far as the destination is concern, Bangladeshi emigrants have been regularly emigrated to a selected list of countries. According to, the 10 top destination countries of Bangladeshi emigrants in 2005 were India, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, United States, Oman, Italy, Canada, Singapore, Rep. of Korea, and Malaysia. However, the UN Population Division differs a bit. As per them, the top Immigration Countries are the US, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, France, Saudi Arabia, Canada, India, U.K., Spain, Australia, Pakistan, U.A.E, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Cote dIvoire, Jo rdan, Japan, Iran, Singapore, West Bank Gaza, Ghana, Kuwait, Switzerland, Malaysia, Netherlands, Argentina, Turkey, and Uzbekistan. The following bar graph shows the details relating to those counties’ immigration pattern in 2005. 3. Introduction to Methodology: In order to provide a complete up-to-date analysis, both secondary and primary researches were carried out. A variety of methods were considered to find the most suitable ones collecting the specific types of data. 3.1 Secondary Research: Secondary research normally denotes an activity whereby no new original data is collected but where the research project draws an existing sources alone. Secondary data can be seen as books, journals, statistical reports from government and other document . In order to access relevant data, it was essential to use a variety of different sources of information. Majority of time was spent in learning resource centre at Thames Valley University where possible to gain access not only to textbooks, but also to a variety of magazines, journals and online databases. Very useful were search engines like EBOSCOhost and Emerald, which can pull information from a range of academic sources. Some time was also spent in Ealing Library browsing through additional text. A vast amount of articles found was Bangladeshi Language; therefore a fair amount of time was spent on translation of those texts. 3.2 Primary Research: The aim of the primary research is to seek the answer to one the key questions of this dissertation; What are the main factors/motivators affecting the decision of highly skilled labour to migrate form Bangladesh? It is very important to select the most adequate and reliable primary data collection methods. Various ways of collecting data will be discussed in this chapter as well as why have been chosen or declined or specific information collection. Primary research generally refers to that research which involves the collection of original data using an accepted research methodology. 3.2.1 Types of Research: There are two different types of research: qualitative and quantitative. Therefore, first of all it is important to make distinction between these two types of research methods. According to Clarck, Riley, Wilkie and Wood (2003) qualitative techniques rely on the skills of the researcher as an interviewer in gathering data whereas quantities methods place reliance upon the research instruments employed to gather data and analyse it. According to Jennings (2001) qualitative data is based on textual representations of the phenomenon under study, often referred to as phenomenological approach. Qualitative or inductive research commences in the empirical social world, where data about the phenomenon are gathered, and then analysed and theoretical constructions are generated. Research that utilise a qualitative methodology draws on data collection methods such as participant observations, in-depth interviews, semi structured interviews, case studies and focus groups. Veal (1992) argues that data could also be collected through informal interviewing as well as in depth interviews. Qualitative research enables researcher to highlight detailed and in depth snapshots of the participants under study. Quantitative research is grounded in the positivists social science paradigm that primary reflects the scientific method of the natural science. The quantitative approach to research usually involves statistical analysis. The data can be derived from questionnaire survey, observation or from secondary sources . The main quantitative methods for gathering data are: Æ’ËÅ" Questionnaires Æ’ËÅ" Non-participant observation Æ’ËÅ" Surveys Veal (1992) believes that these two approaches complement each other and even that qualitative research should be based on initial qualitative work. Webster, Stephen, Marshall and William (2004) also argue that the contrasting nature of positivism and phenomenological approaches can be used to complement each other. The feasibility of these statements can be backed up with the â€Å"mixed method approach†discussed by Jennings (2002), who states that this type of research is often used to gather information on the tourism phenomenon, which in some extent is migration process. 3.2.2 Data Gathering Methods: Case Studies: Case studies are a complex research activity, which involves the through analysis of a single unit- a person, or a company. However, this method does not allow the researcher to apply theory developed to other similar cases. Interviews: Interviews have been likened to conversations they are merely one of the many ways in which two people talk to one another . There are major advantages to using to using interviews. Researcher can collect more information and more complex information, response rate is generally very good and can use recording equipment. Also, interviewer can take a note of body language, gestures or facial expression of the interviewee . However interviews can be difficult to arrange, might be time consuming and quite costly. There is a range of interview types that can be applied when gathering information. Understand or in depth interviews are those interview where there is no formal schedule. The interviewer has the idea about the issues and might have a list of relevant topics and these are merely used as a guide . Main disadvantage about using those types of interviews is that they come up as a bit of a challenge. Interviewer has to be experienced and leas the conversation in order to gather relevant data. Veal (1992) mentions that in order to conduct a good in depth interview researcher has to have the skills of a â€Å"good investigate journalist†. For those who do not posses such skills, semis-structured interviews might be another option. According to Jennnings(2001) semi-structured interviews can be used by both qualitative methodologies. Those interviews still remain in the way of conversation type; however the interviewer has a prompt list of issues that focus the interaction. The main advantages of such interview are that the questions are not specifically predetermined; therefore the researcher is still able to ask further clarification on the particular issue . Also the semi-structured schedule provides a more relaxed interview setting. Due to a nature of the topic, an interview was not chosen as a method of gathering primary data. In order to complete the research many opinions have to be gathered and that can not be possibly done using interview method. Also, because the research country is quite a bit away from the UK, it would be vary difficult to match times with every interviewee and also very costly (air-ticket, accommodation, food, etc). Focus Groups: Instead of interviewing participants individually, study participants individually, study participants are interviewed together . According to Veal (1992) groups usually comprises between 5 and 12 people. According to Jennings (2001) focus groups are used when the researcher believes that the interaction between group members will add to the richness of data collected. The main advantage of focus groups lies in the possibility between people, generation of new by the participants and the degree of flexibility to follow trends or issues. However, same as in depth interviews focus groups require an experienced facilitator to lead the discussion otherwise it may result in stronger personalities dominating the session. It was mostly the lack of experience that drove the decision of not using focus groups approach as the method for gathering information. Observation: Observation can be participant or not participant, in either way researcher is observing the surroundings around him. In participant observation researcher becomes a participant in the process that is being studied. A participant observation raises a number of problems such as admittance to the particular site of observation and when admitted the way researcher should handle the activity . In the case participant observation is not realistic option because of the nature of research topic. Furthermore, non participant observation is not possible as the subject is not related for example to the length of the queue for breakfast, but requires educated population opinion and attitude. Surveys: Surveys generally ask who, what, how many, or where. They tend to include relatively large samples and wide fields of study, often using questionnaire or standardise interviews. Surveys provide a good what to summarize the status of large group of individuals, companies, etc. (Johns and Lee-Ross, 1998-58) According to Jennings (2001) surveys are methods of data collection in which information is gathered through oral or written questioning. Surveys may also include self-completed questionnaires administered by post, e-mail or in person as well as structured interviews carried out in person or over the telephone. Surveys completed in person can use interviewer completed questionnaires as the tool to gather information. Mail or email surveys use questionnaires to gather data. Pilot surveys, which are small â€Å"trail runs†of a larger survey, are often carried to try our wording of questions, the understanding of terms used, to test sequencing of questions and to gain a preliminary estimate of the likely response rate. A pilot is a simple way of testing whether the articulation of the method(s) selected for use in a research programme is adequate to meeting research objectives. (Clark, Riley, Wilkie and Wood,2003) Questionnaires: Questionnaires rely quite heavily on respondents being literate or familiar with the language used in questionnaire . Questionnaires can be used only when respondents are available and willing to participate as research subjects. The main advantages of using questionnaires are: Can cover a large number of people Relatively cheap Avoids respondents embarrassment Possible anonymity of respondent No interview bias When using questionnaires to perform primary data collection it is very important to remember some major disadvantages of using that method. First of it is very difficult to design a perfect questionnaire from a very first time. Bell (1992) suggests that producing a really good questionnaire is harder than it might be imagined. Another problem with questionnaire is regarding the actual questions itself, which have to be relatively simple. The advantage of questionnaire being anonymous can bring also a disadvantage of not being able offer assistance if needed. The major advantage to use questionnaires is that the reliability and validity of data collected depend upon respondents’ memories and forthrightness . Generally questionnaires are used when the researcher is specific on the subjects of the investigation; the research is covering a relatively large number of people gathering facts or opinions; or when the researcher is trying to establish the extent of something . Special data processing is often needed because of the considerable amount of missing data or simply to evaluate data received and present it in graphs/charts . Questionnaires may be self employed or interviewer completed. The interviewer completed questionnaires give an opportunity for face to face interaction, which can contribute to increased participation; it can also bring it clarification sought by the respondent regarding language problems or terms used . However, that sort of activity would involve high travel cost and tends to be rather time consuming, as well as refuses the possibility of anonymity. Whereas self completed questionnaires at their own time peace. On contrary, respondents are not able to seek assistance or clarification on the questions if needed. Respondents may not understand the language of the questionnaire and therefore it may result in questionnaire being partly completed or non-completed at all, which would lower the response rate . For this particular research it was decided to develop a structured questionnaire and take survey as many emigrate from Bangladesh as possible. In total target are 200 interviews; participation from emigrate person from Bangladesh in this survey via email, face to face interview. 3.2.3 Sampling: Sampling is a process that involves the selection of some members of the larger population . In most survey research and some observational research it is necessary to sample. Usually sampling approach is used where research is concerned with a very wide group of population . Clark, Riley, Wilkie and Wood (2003) suggest that samples are frequently studied in order to learn something about the characteristics of the larger groups of which they are part. Sampling can be random and non-random. The key feature of non-random sampling is that items for research are chosen not randomly but purposively . Random sampling is a sampling technique where a group of subjects for a study is selected by the researcher from a larger group (a population). Each individual is chosen entirely by a chance and each member of the population has a chance of being included in the sample . In the non-random s
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