Thursday, January 30, 2020
The Intel Corporation Essay Example for Free
The Intel Corporation Essay Introduction The main purpose of this case analysis is to find the issue and problem that Intel Corporation faced and how they improve their performance and solve problems. First, I will summarize the history of Intel Corporation. Second, to point out the challenge that Intel Corporation has. And, third, I will use SWOT analysis to analyze the internal strengths and weakness and external opportunities and threats of Intel Corporation. Eventually, I will give some recommendation. History of Intel Corporation Intel Corporation is a leading microprocessor producer for personal computer (PC) in the world. Intel Corporation was formed by In 1968, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore founded Intel Corporation. After Intel Corporation founded, they recruited several employees from Fairchild Semiconductor to help them. Intel Corporation was mostly influenced by Andy Grove. He was an autocratic leader and gave everyone lots of pressure. Under his rules and management style, Intel Corporation set a good culture result in the future success. Since the dawn of the Intel Corporation, it has gained the leading position in semiconductor industry such as memory chip and microprocessor. Intel invested heavily in their RD department in order to strengthen their innovative leading position to against competitors. However, in recently years, the personal computer industry appears the negative growth rate which may harm for Intel business due to the majority business comes from personal computer. Therefore, Intel Corporation should take a consideration of downward sign to seek opportunity to exploit the blue ocean market. SWOT analysis of Intel Strength 1. Product Diversification Intel has variety products such as processors, motherboards, servers, cable modems, and solid state drive. Although Intel has dominated the market, it still put a lot of efforts on their product innovation. Diversification of Products integrated not only provides customers one-stop purchasing but also attract different field customers. 2. Technology Innovative and Strong RD Competence Intel fully understands RD is the key to allow them to lead in high tech industry. Moreover, the customers will never feel satisfaction with buying the same or few types of microprocessors. In order to satisfy various demands, Intel always spend huge amount and put a lot of efforts into their RD department which makes Intel is able to introduce new products before its competitors. Consequently, Intel can provide the choices to the demand from high-end product with high price and the low-end demand with lower price. 3. Economic of Scale Intel has almost dominated the PC, laptop, and corporate computer’s CPU which allows Intel to build up highly barriers for the new entrants because of the large economies of scale. Once Intel reaches the economies scale, they have a significant cost advantage over its competitors and that this dominant ability will make its competitors are essentially price takers, with little power to set up their own prices. Weakness 1. The Struggle of Expanding Smartphone Business Many experts claim that the smart phone will be flagship product in high tech industry for next decades. However, currently, ARM (The Architecture for the Digital World) dominates the smart phone chip market and acknowledges the first mover advantaged. As a result, it is very difficult to expand smart phone chip business for Intel and lose its competitive advantage. 2. Downward Microprocessor Demand As I mentioned before, smart phone may take some market away from PC and laptop. Currently, the demand of PC and laptop’s CPU is decline but Intel cannot take any advantages on smart phone chip. Moreover, the majority of Intel’s business comes from Microprocessor which is very risky for Intel. As long as the demand drops dramatically, it will greatly harm for Intel. Opportunities 1. Keep Innovative Competitive Advantage Technology Innovation is a key to success in rapid changing and highly competitive high tech industry. Keeps it pioneering introduction new product will develop the entry barriers and gain the competitive advantages. 2. Product Improvement Recently, Intel has launched it smart phone processor chip to compete with ARM face to face. Although, their chip works better than ARM, their chip cost more power than ARM. Therefore, it is a very good opportunity to grasp market share that if Intel improve their product based on their strong RD. Threats 1. Globally Downward of Consumer Purchasing Power Economic crisis will trigger the downward pressure on consumer purchasing ability. Laptop and personal computer is consumer product when the decreased personal income will affect the demand. Consequently, the decreased of the demand will lead to negative impact on Intel’s sales and profits. 2. The Fighting Campaign from Competitor Although Intel has become the biggest company, they still need to pay attention on their competitor-AMD. The decisions made by Intel are highly dependent upon the action of their rivals. Intel needs to closely put their eye on AMD to avoid any technology fall behind to keep their leading innovation. Recommendation Intel should strengthen their PC and sever business by using technical leadership because the PC segment still estimates to have a growing market approximately 17% worldwide. Intel can launch more marketing campaigns and put more efforts on developing new technology to exploit more business. Intel can expand products into new device. The computing landscape is changing such as smart phone, smart phones, and tablets are connecting to the internet and become more intelligent. Intel should be more aggressive to pursue opportunities to expand their business in new device categories.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Immanuel Velikovsky :: biographies bio
Correspondence Before the Day Breaks, When I first ran across any of Velikovsky's ideas it was in this online book Before the Day Breaks. In this book Velikovsky writes about his correspondence and conversations with Albert Einstein. I read some of this book before ever reading anything else of Velikovsky, or having any idea of what was proposed in his book Worlds in Collision. Before the Day Breaks is a very well written book, where Velikovsky's main argument is that gravity and inertia are not the only forces acting on the solar system. After Velikovsky published his book Worlds in Collision he has had much difficulty getting anyone in the scientific community to listen to him. There were numerous accounts of unjust behavior towards him from many famous scientist. It is ironic that while many people were ignoring him, he was discussing scientific matters with Einstein. While Before the Day Breaks may not have any substantial scientific impact, it does two separate other things. Provide a good insight to som e of the prejudices of the general scientific community at that time. Give good clues as to what Einstein's personality was like. Background Info. / History 1895, June 10, Immanuel Velikovsky was born in Vitebsk, Russia 1913> studied medicine at Montpelier, France, 1921 Velikovsky received a medical degree at the University of Moscow 1921 moved to Berlin, married, edited a journal called Scripta Universitatis atque Bibliothecae Hierosolymitarum, the mathematical-physical section was prepared by Albert Einstein. This journal played a big role in developing the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 1924-1939 "Velikovsky lived in Palestine, practicing psychoanalysis- he had studied under Freud's pupil, Wi1helm Stekel in Vienna" quoted from (Short Biography) 1950 published Words in Collision right away it was a NY Times non-fiction #1 international best seller for 7 weeks until the publisher (Macmillan) dropped the book due to opposition to it led by Harvard astronomer Dr. Shapley -This book was about Velikovsky's claims that incidences in numerous independent cultures around the world were not due to terrestrial origin (i.e. comets and planets caused massive disasters) 1960s Velikovsky was considered as quack by most everyone
Monday, January 13, 2020
Broken Family Essay
Family is the basic unit of society. This is the most essential component of a country. A home is where a family lives. It may be alternated to the word ‘house’ but a house is more appropriately referring to the material structure, whereas ‘home’ refers to the intangible things that bind together the family members. It is the immeasurable love and care that keeps together the mother, father and their children. However, no matter how ideal a family in the terms of their relationship, there are still hardships and misunderstandings that will come along the way. It is just part of any relationship anyway. But, the sad part is when one of the family members gave up and the others have no choice but to accept and let go. Thus, the family starts to be broken. A family can consist of a father, mother, and children. They all live in the same house until they are old enough to leave. Broken Family is a family with children involved where parents are legally or illega lly separated whose parents have decided to go and live their lives separately for several reasons/problems. A broken family is one where the parents (mother and father) of a child or children have split up and no longer share a single family home as a family unit. This is also known as a broken home. Have you ever heard the expression â€Å"A family who’s eats together stays together†? Well, that is true, but and emotionally broken up family means that the family has grown apart, fights all the time, doesn’t get along. It doesn’t just take a toll on the family, it takes a toll on the family members. No one wants a broken home. Even if they say they do. Broken family is a major problem of the society that should be given enough attention. The behaviour of family setup affects the social, economic and political aspects of a country. It should not be taken for granted as if it will fix the problem on its own. Unconditional love and eternal care should be the foundation of every family. It should always be remembered to keep the family away from the thoughts of sepa ration. This study may be student beneficial to the student to balance between their studies and the pain they faced/encounter. This study is significant to the researcher since it is an opportunity to develop skills in conducting research. For the future researcher, this study will serve basis for the conduct of future researcher. Specially, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1. How this situation/problem affects their studies, particularly in academic subjects? 2. What are the possible solutions to overcome this problem? This study was conducted to determine the effects of a broken family to the study of their children. The expected output of the study will be settlement of the effects of a broken family tto the studies of their children. This study takes only 10 students having the same problem/situation and focus onlt on the affects of a broken family to the studies of their children. The study will be conducted at University of Southern Mindanao (USM), North Cotabato from February to June 2013. Society = is the people who live in a country or region, their organizations, and their way of life. Essential = is extremely important or absolutely necessary to a particular subject, situation, or activity. Relationship = between two people or groups is the way in which they feel and behave towards each other.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Master And Slave, Equal - 1090 Words
Vanya Vegner Mr. Hebert D-Block English 23 September 2015 Master and slave, equal in their crudeness. â€Å"To subjugate another is to subjugate yourself.†So wrote Elbert Hubbard, distinguished American writer and philosopher, on the topic of slavery, and Frederick Douglass would agree. Slavery is an institution built on the domination and bloody brutalization of human beings, among the tools of which is the dehumanization of its subjects to the mental state of beasts through frequent whipping, demoralization, starvation and psychological pressure. But as masters exercise their abominable power over their slaves, they themselves become as brutal as those they seek to control, further spreading the pestilence of slavery. Slavery’s effects on†¦show more content†¦To support this, Douglass uses animal comparisons to help the audience picture the bestial conditions in which the children are â€Å"fed†. He writes: â€Å"Our food was coarse cornmeal boiled. This was called mush. It was put into a large wooden tray or trough, and set down upon the ground. The children were then called, like so many pigs, and like so many pigs they would come and devour the mush; some with oyster shells, others with pieces of shingle, some with naked hands, and none with spoons.†(Douglass 16) As if this early indoctrination isn’t bad enough, at ten years old the children are sent to the fields, where they experience the full wrath and cruelty of the overseers, the whips, shouts and insults. From birth, they are kept in ignorance and misinformation because â€Å"a content slave [is] a thoughtless one.†(Douglass 58) In fact, slaves are kept in such arduous perpetual labor and hun ger that the slave is too worried about his survival to think like a human. Drawing the parallels between this state and the primitive, non-cognizant state of animals, one can see in full the reduction of humans to beasts. But inducing this state takes cruelty, deliberate dispensation of injustice and extreme disregard for the value of life, equality and freedom, which are the values that slaveholders came to exemplify the longer they held slaves. The more slaveholders dehumanized and primitivized their slaves, the more they reduced their own humanity. As Douglass’s experiences show,
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