Saturday, December 28, 2019
Communication Breakdown Essay - 1134 Words
Ever wonder why a message that seems clear to us is not comprehended by someone else the way we think it should be. How can something we think is stated so clearly become misunderstood that the person we are stating the message to becomes confused? Let’s examine the definition of the word communication. Defined by the, communication is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. Merriam-Webster, defines communication as an act or instance of transmitting and, an exchange of information. Simply stated we are sending a message to the person who is receiving it. The idea we want to send should be clear to the person who is receiving the message, but that is not always the†¦show more content†¦The response may seem inappropriate but, what actually took place is a response to words. The person may hear what he or she wants to hear rather than hear what was actually said. Mental set, prejudices, and the way the individual chooses to filter or screen what is said will affect the way a message is understood. Understanding that meanings of words have an effect on communication. The speaker may choose words that may have different meanings or mean different things to people. English language can instruct someone to hit a bat with a bat or have the sweet child bring me some more sweet tea. People may react differently to the exact same words. There are two distinct meanings to words and language. First, the denotative meaning is what most people may be familiar with. It refers to the exact meaning of a word. The second type of meaning is called the connotative meaning. The connotative meaning of something has to do with what the word suggests to the individual, based on that persons experiences and emotional reactions and judgments associates with the word or what it refers to. Meanings to words can be also affected by a person’s gender, cultural differences, religious belie fs, or sexual orientation. Communication will be misinterpreted if the receiver can’t decipher the meaning of words or inflection of the words being used. It’s inevitable to see people reactShow MoreRelatedCommunication Breakdown Of Communication1966 Words  | 8 Pages Communication Breakdowns â€Å"Effective communication is only 7 percent verbal and 93 percent non-verbal (the non-verbal is 55 percent body language and 38 percent tone of voice)†(Communication). 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